Aunty M,

Way to go, you’ve captured most of my feelings in your posts in this thread, altho wishing TK dead was a foul, but I see how you qualified it - not that I’m OK with it, however. I didn’t know I’d feel this way, but I’m inclined to believe that our country should never allow chicken-hawks to conduct any war. I like your idea about Stormin’ Norman. The man’s a pro, and along with Colin Powell, are at least qualified to direct this sordid business.


The war on terror and the war in Iraq couldn’t be more distinctly separate. Unfortunately, we are obligated - in my opinion - to leave Iraq in better shape than before we invaded it, and move on with the so-called war on terror.

I think the war on terror has been missing the most important analysis. Why are terrorists aiming at the U.S.? Other conservatives question patriotism and make other unthinking remarks every time the theme of what motivates anti-U.S. terrorism is mentioned. Trying to understand the cause of terrorism is not caving in to or appeasing terrorist. Rather, it is by understanding cause and effect relationships is how solutions are developed. Unfortunately, unless the root cause or causes of anti-U.S. terrorism are directly addressed, chicken-hawk Rummy is correct: we have to kill them faster than they can be produced and recruited. That, however, isn’t a realistic option.

I’d like to side-track a moment and look at the production/recruitment process. I’m told there are about a billion Muslims in the world. Although they outnumber the U.S., they know they could never defeat us, if truly they even have that interest in general - i.e., that nearly all Muslims harbor an interest in a world without the U.S. or other infidels. Given that, does anyone really believe that Muslim mothers and fathers are purposely raising their children as cannon fodder for an impossible war against the U.S.? Seems incredible to me. I only know a very few Muslims, and they are not radical at all. They’re only hipocritical in that they drink alcohol, and their religion forbids it. Otherwise they seem like me. Just want to raise and educate their kids and see them live useful and productive lives. They are not even anti-Jew; but they are anti-Israeli government for its terrorism of Palestinians. And they oppose the U.S.’ unwavering support of the Israeli government at the expense of the Palestinians. It seems like their values are rather similar to mine, except that I value fishing in a way they’ll never understand. The upshot is that producing and recruiting terrorists doesn’t show up on their value lists.

So if we fail to identify and directly address the root causes of anti-U.S. terrorism, what is the likelihood of making the U.S. as secure as we used to feel it was? My estimate is zero. Because it’s unrealistic to believe we can kill them faster than they can be produced and recruited.


Salmo g.