You guys are funny! Yeah, the Skok is a zoo. Went there and looked after fishing the salt and wouldn't think of joining that parade.

Think it doesn't happen other places?? I've watched the salmon snagging going on under the Hwy 2 bridge over the Wallace, on the Sky, and (no suprise here) the Cowlitz. Go to the hatcherys, plant sites, and stack pools and you'll see some of the same thing depending on enforcement and the local "character".

Kings especially seem to bring out the worst in some anglers. Don't think that reflects on the Skok's legitimate anglers trying to avoid the crowds anymore than it does others who fish the Wallace, Sky, or Cowlitz.

I remember when my steelhead flyfishing friends laughed when I said I'd just returned from fishing the Cowlitz. Their impression of the Cowlitz was of Blue Creek. Mine was of the miles of mostly vacant river I found to fish once I escaped from Hell's Half Mile.

Don't let me interrupt you tho. Go ahead and bash on the Skok. After you're done with that one I'll send you a few more suggestions. ;\)