a few years ago i went fishing for steelies on one of my favorite rivers...i knew that they were pretty good, but never experienced it in the summer...
i was fishing next to a fly fisherman, and the two next to us were snagging summer steelies....the two on the other side of us were also snagging summer steelies...the worst thing that i realized, that the two to the right of me were teaching thier child how to snag...i left...
I have scince vowed that i would not fish a river if they were in that thick...it brings the worst people out...i cant stand it...i would rather fish where it is slow fishing just to get away from people...i find that that is where i find true fishermen...

its sad that this happens often, but normally i cant pick a fight by myself...most of the time im on the rivers to get away....

im sure the Skok is even worse this year, i have seen sooooooo many people fishing this year that dont normally fish...the fishing is really good....i for one wish it was not as good...it might discourage many...hope fishing is not as good next year, hate to say it....c
see ya on the river smile