Stam and B-run have the true jist of what happens. The story of a coyote killing the neighbors cat gets turned into a pack of wolves ruined my deer spot and I am going to arm myself to the teeth next time I go drinking..............................................I mean hunting.

It would be nice to have a few wolves to kill the sick and the weak. Unfortunatley you cant just have a few these days. Its all or nothing kind of attitutde. People did not like wolves in the past and they sure arent going to like them now. I cant stand the political/management aspect of the situation. There is no agreement on what to do. If the past is an example it will only get worse when no consensus is reached. I cant stand the the sky is falling because there are wolves in the woods attitude either.
For some of us, a bad day of fishing is a bad day at work.

j7 2012