Originally Posted By: willametteriveroutlaw

Unfortunately studies have shown that wolves do not kill just the sick and the weak by any stretch, They kill bulls, breeding age cows, and calves more than anything else. (great news huh!)

Yes that is true, but the studies are really showing this is true when there are too many wolves. You have to understand that wolves are predators and very buisness like. Every predator weighs it options before making a kill. They ponder four questions. How hungry am I/we? How much energy do I/we have to use to make a kill? How much energy will I/we gain from the kill? How much injury will I/we absorb by making a kill? When there are too many wolves and competittion for food is high; they are willing to expend more energy and take more injury to eat. When the population of wolves is low they will take the easy prey everytime i.e sick, weak, young. When population is high, they will take an antler poke or two, or get dropped kicked by a big cow. Yes, sometimes a big bull tired from walking in belly high snow, is weak, and alone. This fits into the wolves buisness plan. But usualy they will takes what is easy.

This is my reasoning for just having a few wolves i.e. proper management through hunting. Political crap, fear hype, and lack of education makes this difficult.
For some of us, a bad day of fishing is a bad day at work.

j7 2012