We've. Created. Monsters.

Im scared, oh and ya i got a kitten at my moms house and he's not effected by spray bottels. He ignors the water( i think he likes it.), I cant imagine a dog.... I have'nt really been around with radar's crimes- only seen them.

Sorry about the damage, mickey was a spaz but calmed down now that shes older. cute puppy faces and innocent eyes dont last.


p.s.- cute pic of kenna-I laughed when seeing the picture.... but i laughed harder at the crimes though it sucks.

Aaron I hope you have not lost a friend.

Nothing is safe at counter top level or lower. Hats, socks, plates, a deer leg, Mickey's collar while she was wearing it, bags of chips, sandwiches, a frozen wild turkey breast, cordless phone chargers, 3 cpap masks, (one of them I was out of the room less than a minute) both guest chares in my office are destroyed and on the way to the dump, he even wacked a heavy duty power cord on an air conditioner into several chunks. Anything paper can and will be shredded and spread over a large area. Seems like the little bastard will just lay around innocent as can be until ya leave him alone for a second.

My brothers lab (one of two pups that were abandoned on the side of the road)once watched a cable guy work a cable under some carpet. That night he and his wife made a quick run to the store when they retuned the dog had pulled the carpet up at the very spot the guy had worked.He then tore it out all the way across the living room and all the way down the intire hall way of the house. When they first saw it they were sure someone broke in the house and were looking for something hidden under the floor.

There is no such thing as a good deal on a lab.
When Ma Nature decides to make ya her bitch, aint nothin your gonna do about it