Going on 9 years married,, been with her for 10 this weekend if u count dating etc.. About the 2nd month we were dating I drug her up to Bonneville for a day of Springers and Sturg, left home at 3 am and it w as blowin nasty cold and rainy. She had never fished in her life, my buddy Dan. P was showing her how to le t out Kwiks when she caught her 1st Springer! Wasnt even halfway out and she says, hey, it wont go out anyfurther? Fish On!!!!, she landed 2 more as well as a keeper Sturg that day and then snuggled up to the heater and let me and Dan catch fish! Been fishing with her off and on since and cant complain one bit because she mostly is great about letting me fish, including two trips the week our daughter was born:)