
I visited Maui last April and at nearly the last minute learned of a fishing guide there and was able to get a half-day trip with him on my last day there. Guided fishing there is way expensive compared to what I'm used to - $600 for the half-day for two of us, and it was a walk and wade trip. If you're interested I'll give you his contact info. Or I can just share what I learned.

There are bonefish, big ones. It's blind casting, rather than sight fishing. Structure and tides are key. I learned a bit about the structure part, but tides are an experience thing. Think 8 or 9 wt, and the longest casts you can make for hours on end. Typical bonefish style patterns, key colors being from light tan, medium and pinkish tan, to dark tan, almost brown, depending on time of year. Size 6 and 4, especially 4. Weighted for the depth you're fishing, which will likely range from 18" to waist deep. Expect to be wading and casting in surf that darn near knocks you over. We fished in surf that my SIL and wife took surfing lessons in the day before; you will get wet to armpit deep.

About structure. Structure is any change in substrate. Any obvious or not so obvious channel. A line formed by cobble that changes to sand; bones follow these lines.

We caught none during our limited time, but the guide had photos from the day before with one bone that was an easy 10 pounds caught by Jimmy Kimmel who he guided that day.
