I think a lot of folks forget that the Commission are the ones who are responsible for the fisheries. They delagate the authority to negotiate to Dir Unsworth and the crew.

From the Commission Home Page:

While the Commission has several responsibilities, its primary role is to establish policy and direction for fish and wildlife species and their habitats in Washington and to monitor the Department's implementation of the goals, policies and objectives established by the Commission. The Commission also classifies wildlife and establishes the basic rules and regulations governing the time, place, manner, and methods used to harvest or enjoy fish and wildlife.

The Commission receives its authority from the passage of Referendum 45 by the 1995 Legislature and public at the 1995 general election.

The Commission is the supervising authority for the Department. With the 1994 merger of the former Departments of Fisheries and Wildlife, the Commission has comprehensive species authority as well.

Through formal public meetings and informal hearings held around the state, the Commission provides an opportunity for citizens to actively participate in management of Washington's fish and wildlife. (UNLESS THE TRIBES TELL THEM OTHERWISE!)

It is the Commissioners who ultimately are liable for a lawsuit for violation of the OPMA. They can tell Dir. Unsworth to open the meetings. (If they had any spine and put aside self interest)

I would recommend everyone, send an email to the Commission and let them know how you feel about them stalling and siding with the Tribes!
Commission's Email Address: commission@dfw.wa.gov
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)