The question of having the workings of these meeting made public is still very much debatable, and has yet to be resolved. But, let's say for arguments sake that, the law allow's these meetings to be held in secret. Just because they CAN, doesn't mean they SHOULD! We have been told over and over that the fisheries are in trouble. That we (the sportsmen) MUST MAKE SACRIFICES in order to preserve and conserve the fish stocks. SO, how can there be any justification to conducting the most important meetings of the entire process and keep the informational exchange SECRET from the very people that are the most impacted!!!!

Our CO-Managers, through the NWIFC Chairwoman Lorraine Loomis, have repeatedly called for "cooperation and participation by all parties", yet they continue to obstruct a simple live video feed to allow the rest (and majority) of stakeholders from having ANY meaningful place at the table. You can read for yourself in the "Message from the Chairmen, NWIFC web site: NWIFC Message from the Chairman

It is very troubling that our Taxpaid public servants (WDFW Senior Leadership) are adamantly fighting AGAINST us to keep the doors closed. SOMETHING IS JUST NOT RIGHT HERE!

Edited by Bay wolf (06/13/17 02:58 PM)
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)