First off, the Church of Jesus Christ–Christian is not a cult. Methodist Protestant Christianity is considered a legitimate religion by pretty much everybody, I don't care who you are.

Secondly, I agree Jupiter would be a better candidate for a sun in a binary star system but as you said it never got large enough. This is an artificial ignition of Saturn, not a natural phenomenon. This ignition of Saturn goes back to Babylonian mythology, Saturn was always the Black Sun where Jupiter was Zeus Padre in greek or Deus Pater in latin, or God the Father in english. The Satanic Elites who rule over us consider the Sun or Sol to represent God the Father and Saturn to represent Satan. I've never heard any of these Saturnists to say anything about Jupiter, so they are certainly not trying to light it on fire.

Thirdly, I don't even know if their is a real Satan or not. But what is real is thousands of people in government believing in this symbol and acting in concert because of this belief. These are simple minded people who are easily manipulated by symbolic thinking. I think this may be some type of Jungian collective unconsciousness and may not exist outside of the minds of the people who believe in it. Unfortunately their actions do exist outside of their minds and it is their actions involving the rape and slaughter of children that must be suppressed.

Fourthly, being able to decode their symbols and numerology does not mean I support it, what they are doing, believe in Satan or worship numbers. To the contrary, the Book of Revelation asks you "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." Why would calculating this be "satanic" or "lunacy" when the bible lets you do it?

The only thing I regret is that according to my calculations, I am a 1 so am one of of the elect that will be swept away by the rapture and not be one of those around to see the day of the rope like the 2, 4 and 8's. I wish I could be one of you brothers. Too all the 3's and 9's, I hope you like the taste of the rope you saturnine scum too bad I won't be around to watch and laugh.

Just make sure your bunker is well prepped. I'm going to be posting in this thread daily up until Saturnsday, then I'm locking myself in my bunker and will only be reachable by Ham radio until I'm picked up by the rapture.
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?