I had to look up who Meade was, I never heard of him because I don't read fake news.

Meade is one of (((them))) don't listen to his shilling. Notice how he talks about a fictional planet called Nibiru yet doesn't mention Saturn. This has nothing to do about a planet coming into our Solar system this is about Saturn being ignited and Satan being loosed on the earth. Notice how Meade is in all the fake news media like The Sun, New York Daily News, CBS and FOX but is not on legit true news sites like beforeitsnews, returnofthekings, infowars or thedailystormer?

If I am not raptured, on the morning of the 23rd I am permanently sealing myself into my bunker and am never leaving again. I got my bunker well prepped with enough barrels of water, salt, honey, tea, smoked salmon, dried beans, rice and booze to last me the rest of my life. No wifi in the bunker, so you will have to get me on the ham radio, that is if I'm not raptured. These days of darkness will be hell on Earth, literally. So during the 3 days of darkness, don't open your doors for anyone even if it looks like it's your kid neighbor needing help. It's not. It's a demon in disguise. To avoid this trickery, cover all your windows and pray while staying indoors.

Time is not liner, it is cyclical and the wheel of time is turning. This is a cyclical mass SHTF event witnessed in the past and is literally written in stone and featured in every religion worldwide. Starting tonight at sunset (today) is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, which ends at ends Friday, September 22 at nightfall . Shana Tova, everyone! If you were keeping track by the Jewish calendar, year 5778 (5+7+7+8=27, 2+7=9, which is the power of 3 tripled) begins at sundown wherever you are.
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?