OOOkkkk, Back on topic.

As the "The Plan" is being digested, the outrage grows. Check out the latest edition of the Reel News!

Also, there are several of the MAJOR players in the Sport fishing industry that are really concerned about how this is going to impact the trades and are starting to howl!

Fish Advisory Groups are roaring mad because they just got kicked in the nuts.

And the Commission was left standing with egg on their face and very publicly embarrassed DURING THEIR MEETING by a Director who seems to have lost all leadership ability! Talk about pissin off your BOSS!!

And this all came about in large part because the Senior Leadership at WDFW feels immune to any repercussions. Why? Because we have been letting them screw us over for so long, they figure we must like it!

Don't know about you, but I'm not bending over anymore. Someone is going to be held accountable and appropriate administrative action is going to be taken!
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)