Re-reading Kyle Adicks deposition, I picked up on this. This is questioning about the "Public Meeting Notice" email that was sent out last July announcing a public meeting to witness Director Susewind signing the CR103s (This is our rules). Now we all know that the List of agreed fisheries (LOAF) was already done and set in stone long before this was signed, and that the Director signing the 103s is only an administrative formality. But what I really find amazing is the thought process that went into planning this "Open Meeting" . Read Kyle's response and you will see. The senior staff at WDFW essential admitting that they are fully aware that the way they do business is against the law, and they attempt to cover it up with this stupid Open meeting signing ceremony instead of looking to correct the real issue of secret meetings!

·7· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·(Exhibit No. 8 marked.)
·8· ·Q· · It's my understanding there was a meeting announced, it
·9· · · · looks like, July 10.· The meeting, it looks like, occurred
10· · · · on July 12.· I've handed you what's been marked Exhibit 8,
11· · · · which is the announcement from Fish and Wildlife, an email
12· · · · announcement, announcing that meeting.· Do you recall that?
13· ·A· · I do.
14· ·Q· · Whose idea was it to have that meeting?
15· ·A· · I don't recall it being any one person's idea.· It was an idea that we had kicked around to have.· We typically give the director a final briefing as he signs the 103s but to do
that in a notice to open public meeting to minimize the risk
of seasons being invalidated based on ongoing litigation.

[Bleeeeep!]!!! Thats what they call full and complete TRANSPARENCY?

Edited by Bay wolf (01/28/20 08:44 PM)
Edit Reason: Edited to make it easier to read. Did not add or remove any original wording.