Ok folks i didn't read the thread but here is the deal.

The Bush administration sold us on the idea of war with Iraq based on that regimes threat directly to the United States of America via it's use of wepons of mass destruction. I was there I saw powell, cheney rumsfeld and bush all make that as their primary reason for the wayr. The primary reason for spending billions of dollars we didn't have, invading another country angainst the will of our"allies". That the reason we sent our patriotic young men and women to fight thats why they killed Iraqi's in my name, Thats why they said they were sending our young men and women to die. Thats why our men and women did such a wonderful job fpr us as we all knew they would.

As of yet no wepons of mass destruction... If thoes wepons are not found then the primary reason we went to war was false and in my opinion most likely a flat out lie. IF!!!!! that turns outto be the case the Bush administration it completely imcompetent or they are evil. Take your pick and when you are given the opportunity vote accordingly...

Oh wait wanna perdiction???? After bush gets re-elected then they will come out and say Iraq had no wmd's proving once again they they do not care about Americans or America they are only evil selfish little men.

hopefully i am wrong but i don't think so