Let's review: 4 pages, 124 replies. To what and from whom? From: accountants (senior), consultants, financial analysts, homebuilders, fishing guides, etc... To: a political post on a fishing forum from someone (in the world of cyberspace, via Forks) proclaiming to have some insight into the foreign policy world governing this earth. Rich G, the following spelling lesson would have been one that I would have thought you would need to pass in order to debate (with any credibility) an eighth grade classroom at Forks High School: dosent = doesn't, wernt = weren't, counrty = country, Sadam = Saddam (part of the topic you proclaim to have insight into), agian = again, a while = awhile, becuase = because, genuinally = genuinely, etc... Most importantly, demecratic = democratic! Thank god for democracy, any fool in this country can hop on a fishing forum and insight some otherwise intellectual fishermen into a juvenile debate over issues they cannot control.