The weather report is becoming more favorable for Saturday. 10% chance of rain in the evening, highs about 68 degrees, winds building up to 10-15 mph by late afternoon at North Bonneville. We should be off the water by 2 or 3 pm, BBQ by 5pm, in camp and drunk by 9 pm.

Make sure you have enough PFD's in your boat. If you have questions about tackle please call me. I'll be bringing hundreds of shad darts, and extra circle hook 10/0 hooks for sturgeon to share. I'll also have a couple of extra rain jackets in my boat. If you have a fighting belt/rod belt, please bring it. Bring whatever beer you like to drink, I'll also be bringing extra beer.

There is an overflow parking area, picnic site near the campsite, I'm offering to park my truck there and sleep Friday night in order to provide some security for the boats if there isn't room at the camp site (about 200 yards away).

Launch is planned for 830-9am. Gives us about 5 hours on the water.

Lastly, I'm leaving my house now to pick up food and supplies. Most importantly I'll be picking up a two piece swimsuit in Mergantroiders size. Maybe even a thong bikini. He knows he's gonna be wearing it if I don't fill up those boats.

Expecting to see

Tom P. with boat
Vhawk with Dumblucks boat and truck, gas BBQ, cooler of ribs and chicken, and DL's fine home brew.
Jerry with his boat and Benwa as baitboy
Stever_from_Everett with his new boat
Steve B. (Hook Up) with his boat?

Hohbomb with high end rental camera
J-Hawk, keeping an eye on VHawk until she's drank too much beer

Merg with assorted young and firm girls. ...Or Merg fishing for sturgeon in a thong. I'd prefer to see the girls.

Am I missing anyone?

Hook Up, if your coming please get ahold of me at 360 259-3169

I'll be able to relax once I see people (and girls) at the campsite.