B-Run, that story about your daughter and her friend in the car, and you wagging your tongue at her, that's still one of my fav stories ever.

 Originally Posted By: STRIKE ZONE
To bad the gals' are backing out,can't blame them though.Poor date planning.The second & third weekend of July is alway's the best weather in the state @ right around 90 plus.Good luck,

I didn't pick the date based on weather, I picked it based on the historical peak of the shad run. All summer long, and every weekend, there's some excuse of a holiday...memorial day, fathers day, July 4th, Summer solstice, pick your crack day, etc etc.

Tell me what's running 3rd weekend in July that'll provide consistent action on the Columbia, more consistent than shad and oversized fish?

Anyways, Merg and Hohbomb are meeting up with us Sat morning. They'll be staying up late in Portland on a suicidal mission for replacements. I don't have much hope in that, due to VHawks' "No Skanks" rule. I'm not sure how that rule will conflict if Merg fails, and he's forced to wear the bikini.

Dude, you will be wearing that camo bottom and top if you fail to provide eye candy for the men of PP. And I'll be forwarding those pics on to every conceivable gay networking site. Actually I need someone with a video camera. I smell a viral video here. Anybody up for shooting a YouTube classic? Merg in his two piece bikini, hooking up with a sturgeon.

I will have no mercy, there will be no sanctuary given.


Next posting will be Monday. Tight lines to you all...