
I got so many calls that morning my phone went dead. If I have any regrets at all, its that we didn't meet up with you. I can't believe you got into gators like that. I'm muttering to myself, and cursing Cingular. AHHHH ffffffffk. Makes me almost want to cry.

 Originally Posted By: Mergantroider
Vince got to ADD about fishing sturgeon...

Your the mouthiest boat servant I've ever had. If we're ever out on a boat again I'm putting a bark collar on you. I don't know how Greg puts up with it. Maybe we can form a support group.

Seriously though, we need a talk on deckhand etiquette. This goes for anyone I might invite to come out and fish with us. Setting an anchor in that river requires 100% of your attention on the task at hand. Unless you see a safety hazard, I don't need any opinions from the guy handling the anchor rope and buoy. Once I've picked my line, I don't care if you think the water is too deep, the seam too far away, the seagulls are calling your name, or that the buoy is a pretty orange color. I need you to let out line until I ask you to throw the bouy over and tie off the boat. I can't be reevaluating how a spot is going to fish when I'm concentrating on not running over anyone else's anchor lines, or swamping the boat.

Crap happens so fast on that river, that it only takes 2 seconds of not paying attention to lose a boat, or someones life. After the anchor is set, and the boat chocked off, and the anchor socks are out, then by all means entertain us. I can be irritable sometimes, but if you remember the only time I raised my voice was when we were setting the anchor.

And thank you though for pulling that heavy SOB into the boat all day. I've had that job, its not easy on your back.

ADD or not, If after an hour of fishing, 3 rods aren't getting bit, and none of the other 20 boats in sight aren't hooking up either...thats about 23 rod hours per fish. Moving along, I'll be moving along. Same goes for the shad. If the waters too fast, or too deep we wouldn't hook up. We got into all those fish because we moved in a little, and you tried the diver and dart rigging. I'll make adjustments until we start catching as many or more fish than the people around us. I think we pulled together and got that done.

So Hohbomb, and Merg, If Dumbluck goes back down this week for kings, I'll see if we can bring you two along. I think we can bonk at least a couple of em.

Merg, I give you crap because you need it. But I keep you around 'cause your funnier than me. Let me know what days off you have this week.
