I don't have the pics. Hobomb is mailing the CD's, they are very high resolution. About the biggest waste of an expensive camera rental, taking pics of Merg in a bikini. I abuse Merg, but I'm still bitter about the picture of me in my gym shorts, and knee socks he posted. j/k

Although my disappointment is immense that we utterly failed to get pics of half naked girls fishing, the whole trip was alot of fun for the few people who showed.

When I get the pics, I'll post them. But not sure anybody really wants to see them. It was overhyped. I couldn't get boats without the hype. It's my fault for trying to bring together 3 of the most unpredictable, unmanageable forces in nature...women, weather, and fish.

I'm probably done for awhile. When this collapsed about Thursday night, I got sick and swallowed my vomit a couple of times. Nothing fun about that. I don't even feel like writing. The 2,000 post will have to wait until the winter.