Originally Posted By: Hankster
Peel the husks all the way without removing them completely.

Remove the silk.

Cover the ear with the husks again and soak in water.

Place the husk-covered ears on the grill for 10-15 minutes. The wet husks steam the corn.

This is my protocol except I peel the husk a couple minutes before they're ready and dress with butter and seasoning. I use King of the Cajun "Cream Sauce." Just a touch of heat and lots of body IMO.

This is a case where the name doesn't match the product. It is made by a couple guys down in Portland and we met them at the street fair. The recipe is from New Orleans and was inherited before bringing to market locally. Sportsmans Whatehouse carried it but it is definitely still available online.


Edited by JTD (06/19/14 10:06 PM)
In the legend of King Arthur, the Fisher King was a renowned angler whose errant ways caused him to be struck dumb in the presence of the sacred chalice. I am no great fisherman, and a steelhead is not the covenant of Christ, but with each of these fish I am rendered speechless.