This thread would be ten stars as a troll thread...the fact that Rich is actually serious garners twenty stars, at least.

As someone who did "actual science" for many years I know for certain that the world is both bigger and far more mysterious than we currently understand it to be, and that we will continue to discover new (to us) species so long as we don't cause them to go extinct first...but clownshows like this put science back a hundred years.

It's not a coincidence that whacknuts believe in six or eight conspiracies, space men, dragons, Bigfoots, and Tooth Fairies all at once...they live in fantasy lands where faith and dingbattery serve as "science", where the most unlikely scenarios are 100% believed on the flimsiest of evidence, or no evidence at all, and reality is just another conspiracy.

They don't do much harm, and provide endless entertainment, so, for one, am glad that there is such a diverse and vocal crowd of them out there...without them we wouldn't get to hear stories of alien anal probes and Bigfoot sexual assaults.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle