
To answer your question, there is no "bigfoot hierarchy".

Would most bigfoot researchers align themselves with my views? Not in the least bit. The truth is that they are not able to align themselves because if they did it would go against all of the tactics that they use to attempt to investigate bigfoot and obtain evidence of their existence. You see nothing has changed when it comes to looking for bigfoot in the past 60 years, researches still employ the same tactics that they did 60 years ago with the same crappy results.

Bigfoot has been put into a box that cannot be cracked utilizing mainstream thinking and pretty much any technology that exists on the public market. Guns will kill them but none of the other technology we have gives us an advantage.

I was able to figure a lot of things out in a short amount of time, I can locate them quickly, in areas where the terrain and recourses dictate movement. After finding them is when things become difficult.