Originally Posted By: GoldDigger
But then again, you're not sure Satan exists, so how can you possibly prescribe to a Predestination ideology? If you are "elected", and we're not, then who the Hell is in charge of the place the rest of us are headed for?

I said I am not sure Satan exists outside of the human mind. The human mind links ideas and motivations called the collective unconscious, a body of unconscious energy that lives on in the minds of people who have made room for it. Kind of like people who have multiple personalities, these personalities do not exist except inside the human mind. Get rid of humans, then you get rid of Satan.

You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the “burning marl.” Old wives’ tales! There’s no need for Satan. HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE!

You are not headed for any place, you will simply be wiped away and no longer exist. See Ecclesiastes 9:5. Hell means that when a person dies it's like when an animal dies, it just ceases to exist. All the stuff about the lake of fire and such is to destroy evil, it's even referred to as a "second death." See Revelation 21:8.

Originally Posted By: GoldDigger

"....these people.." ??? WTF? And just who are you to pass judgment on anyone? (see: Luke 6:42)

Did King David deserve salvation?

Absolutely not. He is a descendant of Cain, who was cursed by God for killing his half brother Abel. Also, Cain himself is a descendant of Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. The descendants of Cain are not human at all, but descendants of the "beasts of the fields" described in Genesis, without souls and no more than cattle. The descendants of Cain constitute 99.99999% of existing humans, none of whom have souls and therefore cannot be saved so logically do not deserve salvation.

Also, Luke is about being hypocritical, fix yourself then others. It has nothing to do with not passing judgement on people. There are numerous passages in Leviticus calling on people to be put to death. Specifically even homosexuals and also people who "gives any of his children to Molech," Molech being the Hebrew version of Cronus/Saturn/Satan. So not only does the bible allow you to pass judgment on the satanic pedophiles, it commands you to KILL THEM.

Originally Posted By: GoldDigger

No Rich, I didn't calculate anything. Last thing I want to do is be an enabler for your delusion.

Go read Ephesians 2:8-9, then come back here and tell me what you think makes you so special. In Eph. 2:8 says..."by faith".

Faith in what, Rich? That some numbers would add up right?

Ephesians 2:8-9 says you are saved "by grace" and "it is the gift of God." How does this imply that I should go around trying to save souls? I am not special. I am not God. I have no grace or gift to offer people.

I do have faith that your number is 3 or 9. Clearly you are a descendant of the serpent, full of tricks and lies.
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?