I have never been a guide just a client. The subject of tipping is a good one for us all to express our feelings on. I don't tip my doctor and he has lots of expensive gear in his office. When I get the bill for $90 to $120 for 15 to 30
min. of his time I don't feel like giving a tip if it were the custom. When a guide puts in 6 to 10 hours for say $130 per man and puts his body through hell rowing I have a different feeling. This guy may well have made me more money than anybody in my business on that specific day. I got the order, or I got the guy to come to work for us, etc. When it's business, tip like you mean to say thanks for what the guide did for you. A $100 per man tip can be very reasonable. If it's not business, then a 15% to 20% tip per day seems reasonable to me. Being a really good guide should bring you the really good clients.
Seems fair to me anyway.