Some are making much ado about nothing.

Considering the pure mechanics of flossing, it can just as easily happen using a three foot leader as with a 10 foot. Imagine: the weight drifts 6 inches from along the side of a fish, leaving 18 inches of leader extending out capable of drifting right between the lips of Mr. Fishy. Did the fish take it voluntarily? Who knows. Will a fish take bait at the end of a 10 foot leader voluntarily? Absolutely.

The length of the leader is not what constitutes flossing, it's the intent the fisher-person has when using it.

Using the "long leader=flossing" algorithm would put a lot of flyfishers in a category I doubt they'd appreciate. Don't they pretty much make a cast quartering upstream allowing the fly to sink and then sweep downstream through a drift? By the definitions above, that sounds like flossing.

Sparkey, what do you think? wink
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.