Steelheader, I was refering to an elite few.. they spend a couple a grand to get a private spot on hatcherys stream (its rather small) and they sit down there a floss springers, all the time saying what a strong strike that was.
My dad actually runs a leader a bit longer than 4 ft I think its like 6 with a fast rate sink tip, you'll have to excuse me I am rather illiterate about flyfishing gear. In shallower water, like what cna be previlent on the kenai, it can be absolutely deadly, and yes he's one only a couple I have evern seen doing it on the Kenai. I grew up fishing that river, so whan I came down here and flossing was frowned upon, it was a weird thing for me to undersatnd.
I have no problem with flyfishing or flyfisheman, but I dislike there attitudes in many cases. I don't know what 90 th percentile of which you speak, and yes i fish Jigs, right next to guys flyfishing and we usually end up being even, or I end up a fish or 2 ahead. I fish Bobber and Jig (bait etc) almost exclusively, and it works well for me.

This thread is going nowhere, we as a society have to realize that we can only set values for ourselves and to attempt to force our own personal values on someonelse isn't going to be taken well. I apologize for my slander of flyfisherman in general, its just I have been arguing with a couple of them on other boards abotu everything from hatcheries to dams. Plus with what WT does, its givine me a cultural bias as Aunty m would say.
Facts don't care about your feelings..