Originally Posted By: Mergantroider

i have gotten three emails from people wanting to learn. i have literally spent a 1000 plus hours doing JUST this technique for every species of fish that swim in the river. I have also caught them ALL. i have video and picture PROOF.

OKAY, i want to get in on this too, yes i have fished with the merg, though it was more like driving him around and watching him catch and then want to leave for greener pastures..yes he is pretty dangerous with those jigs, and YES..he has some serious maturing to do, both cosmetically and mentally..

then you go and post all this after i got a scathing email after posting my twitching jigs from earlier this year on here and facebook..huh?? and the video thing could be fun(ny) but i believe the price wont get that bird off the ground. But seriously 1000+ hours? you got a log book bro? you should do some math because even the guides can have a hard time putting up those hours in your "given" timeline.
BTW..I hope I get a cut off these dvd's..actually i think i want those couple GB's worth of my footage from my rivers back if this is how they will be used...kinda serious there..

its a technique and a fad..once everyone from tidewater up is doing it the fish will get keen and fade away, then on to the next "big thaaang"
--it'll be the same way how you and your guide budding went in and pounded those 4 holes last year like a bunch of whores, hit them everyday like yall did and..well, you where there, you know that 2 weeks later it got tough...(be smart enough not to guide there either like the other walk-in dipshyts)

the lesson offer is also kinda funny dude, because I would already have taken care of my guiding fees and insurance before making a statement as such....i think its much smarter to keep your 9-5 at terrace and fish for fun, if you ask me why? i say go back and search for the Vhawk scandal, your cuter than him but it wont help.

I know your a decent guy jerid but why is it that anytime I see you associated with something on here I just shake my head and sigh?

wait a second!!..are you the same guy on the gayfishin.com that re-posted our video from that day to drum up business?

please dont become a guide, you'll give superfisky a bad name..

we need to update the stars rating..Merg and hook will battle for the top! what
Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!