Just looking at the letter and the message it appears to be sending.

"SB 5844 represents a significant step forward at a time when WDFW and the Legislature are poised to ask even more of recreational anglers in the form of increased license fees."

"The recreational fishing community’s potential support for any additional license fee increases is contingent on policy reforms that recognize and prioritize these benefits."

The intent of these two sentences appear to tell the legislature to go ahead with fee increases and and that there will be possible support for them if these bills pass.

I didn't write the letter and I'm not talking about the short game here, with these two bills. I'm talking about the long game, what is next and what may happen down the road. All through the body of the letter it discusses fees, the collection of them, and apparently support for future increases.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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