I have no idea what the actual number is...but I would safely guess that there are more recreationally-supported businesses than commercially-supported business by a factor of ten, a hundred...I don't know, but a LOT more.

Like I said above...as long as the commercial industry (tribal and non-tribal) refers to the recreational sector as "just having fun at the expense of their livelihoods", then they get what they deserve...being told to screw off.

There are far, far, far more of us who benefit from a robust recreational fishery than there are those who benefit from a robust commercial fishery, and they want to make it "us against them", then they lose, hands down, no matter what Blake says.

Anyone who is against this bill and is "for jobs and the economy" is not being honest.

If he were to say "I am only looking out for the good of the commercial fishers in my district" then at least he would be honest, because that's all it is.

Far more jobs, and far more money into the economy, comes from the recreational sector, especially with salmon.

To deny that is to deny reality.

The "failure" that Blake mentions regarding Puget Sound Chinook and coho management is either an outright lie, or he is woefully uninformed and should not talk about the subject.

Millions and millions of dollars are pumped into the economy thanks to the recreational priority for Puget Sound Chinook and coho...and...

He knows it, and he is not being truthful.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle