Originally Posted By: DrifterWA
Where can a person find "who held SB5844 up, so it didn't make it out of committee".....is this a voted on process ????? Can we find out how any voting on any bill, by Senators or Rep., pro/con....if this available????

Ahh, this is unfortunately not straight forward. Hold of bills in committee can be due to several scenarios, all political. The chair sets the agenda for what gets executively voted on, but they will likely poll the committee, at least those in their own party, before bringing/adding any bill to the executive agenda to know what might happen. So the chair holds quite a bit of power and bills up during any session, but can't always be solely blamed. This type of discussion happens in caucus (which is out of the public's view), and quite often (obviously) votes are horse traded for "if I support this then you support a bill I bring" types of deals. Furthermore the majority party head honchos, (i.e., Senate party leader, floor Chair, etc.) sometimes influence bills in certain committees, as they have the authority to remove/assign who chairs which committees. Essentially all this provides for a vast variety of influence pedaling....meaning you have to be pretty constant, and vigilant to get ANYTHING through to process. Essentially folks set this up to make it pretty hard to change laws...which it is. What I'm saying is it will be hard to pinpoint why or who is directly at fault for not moving it out of committee exactly. All you can tell is that it didn't have enough support to do so, otherwise it would have.