Originally Posted By: NickD90
Originally Posted By: gooybob

Obama NEVER said he would take any kind of guns away

1. He did take guns away from deficient fiduciary SS recipients
2. Pubs owned congress. Any EO would have been struck down in the Supremes
3. He is on the record saying his biggest regret is was not "doing something about guns". See point #2.

BTFO. Credibility lost.

Also, you are repeatedly misusing your 1st amendment right to effective punctuation. There is no need to restrict the free use of proper paragraphical structure; period and comma usage. Keep it up and we'll make you go back to quill pens and inkwells because our forefathers never imagined misusing MS Office in such a manner.

OK, Einstein, show us where he said he wanted to take people's guns away. Show us one CREDIBLE source where Obama said he wanted to TAKE GUNS AWAY FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Remember I said credible source. You won't because you can't. FOX is not credible and neither are Rich G's "alternative news sources"! You're just like president chump. Lying is the only avenue to prove your point and I certainly don't need you to tell me how to structure my writing. This is PP not a Nobel Prize site. Take your ignorant hate and ridiculous try to get at me and shove it. You failed and always will. You're kind of thinking is telling and revealing. If you're so stuck on doing things properly try finding the truth although I doubt you would recognize it if hit you in the @ss!!! Again, I love sh!tting on ignorance. Yes sh!tting. That's not a proper word is it? But it gets the point across doesn't it? Maybe you should hook up with chump's girlfriend Stormy. Maybe she could suck some ignorance out of you! Hahaha