Maybe hiring 40,000 new state employees since she took office could be part of our current deficit woes! I know, most of these were teachers to help reduce class sizes, increase test scores , blah,blah blah. $800 million a year to pay for these 40,000. salaries, health care(medical,dental, vision ,retirement plans, pension, cola's.)
It's only a matter of time till self destruction. i'm speaking of my own experience as a small(2 people, my son and I) business owner, General contractor. 2010 for me saw unemployment security up 900%, L and I up 22% (no claims 25yrs.), Regence Blue shield up 50% and now policy cancelled with new "evolve plan" sign up pending with no rates yet listed but I'm supposed to pick btwn.either the $2500 or the 5000 catustrophic plan without knowing what the costs will be. (thanks Mike Kriedler for at least slapping their hand recently!) and now the word is out that Dept of revenue will be auditing all contractors to make sure that every one is paying up. CBIC (contractors bonding and insurance monopoly) raised my rates 35% on 40% less revenue from 2009-2010, go figure. Property value down 25%, however, yea!, my prop taxes actually went down. $12.00. From $4100to $4082. I figure I can get 5 --2/5 ounce BC steel spoons with this savings. A guys gotta fish!!