Sg is spot on with his assessment of how promoted cost savings simply do not end up materializing. What he did not address is the cost in terms of consolidation related inefficiences (short, mid and long term) which inevitably occur but never seem to have been reflected in the "savings" analysis.

Furthermore, in this instance the Guv is effectively gutting the will of the people when it created the current Commission. As I recall part of the deal back when this all transpired was that the then Guv wanted some input/control as a quid pro quo for general funds appropriations. My weak recollection is that is how the Guv came to appoint the Commissioners yet the Commissioners hire/fire the Director who does NOT report directly to the Gov nor to the Legislature (officially). The Legislature's bite is that fiscal and, also, the Senate confirms Commissioners and only a confirmed Commissioner may be the Chair. So, now that the general funds are being cut back she wants to take back control????

So, under the proposed merger not only is it unreasonable (based on old guy experiences) that proposed savings will materialize there will be huge ripples in the universe and we and the resources will be back into the old manner of "managing" resources through legislative dictate. Been there and it isn't pretty.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)