I might add a little advise to the mix. I worked with a guy who very seldom went out of PA without catching his halibut . He had a few "semi-secret" spots that were as close to guaranteed as you could get. We also worked withanother guy who was always bugging him to take himout there. He swore to secrecy if he could go along. Play this ahead a couple years and the Halibut guy decided to get a new boat. The other guy offered to buy it on the spot. You have already guessed that the catch was that he wanted to go out with him to get the feel of the boat,motor etc.
They go out, limit on Halibut and the boat changes hands. The next time I see Halibut guy he is mad as hell because he went back out the next Saturday and there was his old boat with the new owner and a buddy fishing his "secret" spot.
To wrap this up, I can See the Merg taking a couple guys to the places in the video to teach them and then forever more having to bring his own rock to his hot spots.

Edited by laterun (11/03/12 11:08 PM)
Edit Reason: sp