I just talked with some folks that work for Southwest Airlines. They are based out of Dallas. They can tell you personally that all these ads saying that Bush is bad for the environment because 46% of streams in his state are polluted is wrong.

They said, that if anything, since Bush has become governer, their fishing in their state has gone from poor to completely awesome. Has anyone seen how many bass shows they have? Seems like most of them on the fox sports channels originate in Texas. Also they will tell you that offshore fishing has been rejuvinated.

I think the proof is in the pudding. Bush does have the edge. Considering Gore has been in office for 8 yrs and nothing has happened in general. I think with Bush, Atleast there is hope big government will finally do something here in our state to preserve and protect our salmon.

On the other issues which have nothing to do with my original message in this forum, I recently visited the Evergreen state fair. I went and visited the Republicans booth and the democrats booth.

All the issues pertaining directly to me which hit home for most northwestern folks(taxes and salmon) were addressed by Bush. Lowering the taxes and returning the budget surplus back to my pockets is what I want to hear. Also Bushes plans for the environment include reviewing progress on the Elwa damn project along with many other Columbia river tributarys.

Gores booth....uhhhh, theres nothing there. I think I have been turned into a republican. Bush has my vote.

This nader guy? I think we all know he doesn't have a chance. period. Thanks for all the messages and input.