For the record- I did not cast a vote for governor in the last election as Craswell was (to my amazement) an even worse candidate than Bob bendover Dole. I freely exercise my right to not vote if the candidates are both unacceptable. I also vote according to idealogy not party!!!! The D's and R's merely indicate whose paying the bills.
Reread my post and you will find that I gave credit to the leaders and visionaries for the economic gains. It just happened to be the Pres. in one case and the congress in another, not at all uncommon if you check your history. It was not congress that came up with "A chicken in every pot" or "the great society" and the president had little to do with the equal rights amendment, roth ira's or prohibition. I also give credit to the current occupants of the white house for making BJ's and semen stains acceptable cocktail hour conversations. Much more entertaining than the evil empire and free markets. I am also confident that history will prove undeniably that the lack of logging contributed GREATLY to the recent fire problems. Funny how a lightning strike can take out more timber in a few weeks than manke and simpson can in a decade (conservatives have been screaming this for decades). Much like the discriminating gillnets I hear about. Which one is the renewable resource????????? timber or fish???? I just yearn for consistency.