B Gray, Now about your National Monument...Have you seen this treasure lately? Since it was held in such high regard the head decision makers couldn't decide what to do with a small couple acre brush fire that was started from a car wreck..They wouldn't allow a private individual to cut the fence and put the fire out with his front loader.. This guy was right there and offered to use his own equipment but since these idiots wouldn't allow him to drive his front loader onto this federal preserve the fire blew-up and got out of control..THe results: well over a 100,000 acres burned because they didn't want to disturb the natural landscape!!!This isn't a slam towards any political party it just shows you what happens when Gov't takes control of something,ultimately they cannot make decisions in a timely matter..For those of you out there saying that Hanford has always been under Gov't control you are correct. But since it was regarded as a Federal Preserve they were unable to attack the fire until it was too late..