8 FOOT, you would actually lean toward voting Bush as the pres for our fish and habitat having seen "the twinkle in his eye"?!? With all due respect, ROFLMAO! And you see Gore as a political puppet? And not Bush? LOL. There are more elected puppets hanging by the strings of wealthy political constituents in the GOP than any other circus show on Earth! That's a FACT! Do you know anybody damaging their health by the Republican enabled tabaco industry, costing countless lives and disrupted families, and adding billions of dollars to this country's already too high of health care costs (for one of a multituide of examples)? You get the point. - I've already said what I truely believe in the other posts, based on credible information, track records, and the undeniable party agendas! NOT what a politician says to a target audience during election campaigning. Geez! Wake up. Did you read the Wash. D.C. based independant report posted by Scaly that I suggested? About which candidate would be more beneficial for fish? Go read it; and try to add 2+2. There is sure a hell of a lot more credible info there than a twinkle in an eye ! So, I'll turn it right back to you and ask you to tell us just what you really think and why. With no twinkles in your eye . - RT

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 09-25-2000).]