Wit it appears as though you have a pretty good handle on the problems with the water quality laws as they exisist but the reason they exisist is because people collectively and individualy over time have polluted our water ways and this pollution has ended up in the majority of the aquaifers and in the drinking water supply.
Poloution from cities, industry, farming, mining, and agriculture was allowed to increase with out regulation or control for most of the history of our nation and is the main reason it is so costly to provide a clean glass of water from a city drinking fountain.
It may be difficult to meet all the existing regulations for clean up but if there had not been so much foot dragging and lobbying by special intrest back in the seventies and even earlier there would be less to clean up now and your job would be somewhat easier.
As to the plight of those who are saddled with the exspense of the clean up of our waters which in some cases are not fit for fish (that is the point here you see) Maybe Slade can put a rider on another appropriations bill and make polluters pay for there mistakes I'll bet Preident Albert Gore wont veto it! Go Mariners