More people doing it every year. just in my limited fishing so far in the beginning of the season i have seen 5 times as many people doing this technique then i did last year all year.....

If you've seen my posts about limits every time i go out during silver season, a few kings, aloooot of chum....

This technique used properly can catch you a few extra fish sometimes then you normally would have caught using traditional gear...or more fish then you ever thought possible

My DVD is taking waaaaaayyyy to long to come out. the whole point of it was to make money. i have gotten three emails from people wanting to learn. i have literally spent a 1000 plus hours doing JUST this technique for every species of fish that swim in the river. I have also caught them ALL. i have video and picture PROOF. I have learned the in's..the outs..the do's the dont's and every little dirty trick you can do to outfish anybody on the river. : ) heh heh heh. this technique will get you into fist fights, arguments, and everything in between. has happened on more than one occasion

i can teach this technique to anybody who can effectively cast a spinning rod in less than 8 hours. thats FISH TO THE BANK.

i know im going to here an uproar of snide remarks, opinions, loud mouths and know it alls telling whatever it is they nay say. i have video...and picture proof of all i claim. ive been compiling it for the DVD im trying to put together. its taking damn to long and costing more money than i think its going to be worth. hahah.

you want to learn? fine. it aint cheap. Prices will reflect the service provided. a guided fishing trip will cost you the same. I'll provide the 'lures' for the first time and you can order them or make them yourself just like i do, after. we can walk in or we can take YOUR boat. makes no difference to me.

unlike a teaching you a skill. a skill you can have forever...not just an experience for the day.

PM me for details. honestly i have no time. BUT if theres a demand i will make time. aloha.
Jerid just in case you need a taste of what you can accomplish with this technique. you may have heard of it...seen may have caught fish with it...but your just scratching the surface of how powerful this techniuqe can be.

Edited by Mergantroider (10/29/12 12:52 AM)
“If fishing is interfering with your job, get another job.”