Reasoning with you on this situation may be like a hunter trying to sway a PeTA person into going out on a duck hunt, but I love challenge.

I am sorry that you ran into a jerk. Okay? Most responsible folks keep their firearm concealed. You wouldn't know if I was packin', even if I were dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.

Anybody who uses a drawn firearm as a way to intimidate someone else is a criminal. That is unless the one carrying the firearm percieves the person they pull it on to be an immediate threat to their life, or the lives of those in their immediate vicinty, or they believe that person is about to cause them grave bodily harm.

It is lawfull for folks to carry a firearm while fishing, no concealment necessary, but again, with most of us you would never know we had a gun.

The best way to diffuse a situation is to walk away. Downriggin was on the money. No fish is worth someone's life, but there are times when you can no longer walk away. I've been there twice, and I'm still here because I had a pistol.

Anybody who does carry, and invites confrontation should not carry. Folks who would walk away, they have the right attitude.

So in some ways we agree. Jerks should not carry, but not all who carry are jerks. These folks who are jerks are the exception. The reason you don't hear about the rest of us is because we're not the exception, we are the rule.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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