I agree with Silver Hilton
Seeking to intimidate someone with the fact that you are packing heat, in the absence of a threat is sufficient evidence that you are not responsible enough to be trusted with a weapon, in my opinion. It also will cause you to have your carry permit removed immediately, if that fact is brought to the attention of law enforcement officials.
Most people are responsible enough to know this and just like driving down the freeway there will allways be the one who cuts in front of you no turn signal almost clips your front end that will piss you off. Owning and carrying a firearm is a constitutional right and even though there is a few people who misuse their rights most of us respect and obey the laws. If you have a problem with someone who is abusing their right to carry a firearm contact the local law enforcement and give them a discription or a licence number of the person.
Proud Life time N.R.A. member For over 25 years.