I'm by know means new to this bb. Allthough I don't post much, I do frequent the site multiple times a day. So lets get to my point. What has happened to this bb? When i first started viewing this site it was the greatest thing. Everyone could post back and forth with no concern at all. Posting reports and naming the body of water was no big deal. It seems to me that the content of this site is much less than it used to be. I can understand not wanting to give away your favorite spots. And we all know most of those spots are no secret anymore. I consider myself a good fisherman, and catch/hook fish most every time I go(suckers count don't they). But I don't get to fish as much as I would like. And I know I can't be the only one in this situation. Even the best fisherman won't catch fish if there aren't any to catch. For those of you that don't get to fish as much as we would like, wouldn't it be nice to just get a simple report on how the fishing is? So that we are just wasting our time. Don't get me wrong here. I go fishing when I get the chance, reguardless of how the fishing is. But sometimes you can score serious point with the wife if she knows you are planning on going fishing and then you end up staying home for the weekend! It would just be nice to know if we can expect to be catching fish or enjoying the day or both for me in most cases. Let's bring back some of the good quallities of this board that got so many of us hooked on this site and on fishing. Let some of the attitudes go. If you don't feel like posting a report than don't and don't jump down someones throught for giving a report. Unless it is a zipperlip. And come on, are they really that many of those left?