Fishingdud, you made the comment that if you don't have much time to fish and you can only get out once every month or two that it would be nice to get out and be able to catch a fish or two. To me, that is a very unrealistic expectation. If I was able to fish a couple times a week and get things dialed in then I would expect to catch a fish or two along with some skunkings.
In the situation that you described I do think your chances of catching fish are greatly reduced compared to someone who is on the water regularly. But, it is not their fault that they appropriate the time and energy to get things dialed in and I for one don't expect to be able to sit here at work and have them tell me where, when, and how! There is already too much pressure on our resources and broadcasting stuff over the internet won't help me find peace on the water.
Again, there will be plenty of opportunities this summer to catch some fish and I hope that you find a few also.

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