fishindude- since cupo has volunteered to cure your bait and tie your leaders, i will row your boat, clean your fish, and smoke & vacuum seal them for you!! why should YOU waste YOUR time and gas looking for fish when everyone else can do it for you?? i've driven hundreds of miles in a day, scouting many different rivers, looking for fish(sure, gas was about half the price what it is now), and many times i have come up empty....all that effort has put me in a position now where i don't need to chase reports...put your time in, do some research, there's a lot of good info here...i just got back online today after two months of having my computer down and i'm hearing more whining on this thread than i hear from my 6 month old son(and yes, he has already reeled in a few fish, 2 trout and 1 bass from down the street!)...getting skunked is not a purely negative experience, learn from everything you do, keep a log, especially for those who smoke(i can pee clean anytime these days!!)