
Still not sure I follow your meaning. Yes, I understand your words, but if you look over the board (archives) you will find LOTS of info that folks post.

No, not everyone will post reports, but most of the frequent posters will.

Take a look through my back posts or topics I have started. Now, look for Parkers, or Stelhhder1, or ??? From the Nooksack, Skagit to the NF Lewis to the OP rivers...LOTS of reports in the last year. You can also PM most of the guys who live on the rivers or fish them often and they will gladly share info privately. I know I have many times, and will do again.

Different boards have different personalities. I can say things here that would get edited out over on IFish. Jen has a great board, but it is moderated heavily...nice folks though, so I do post there and really enjoy the place. TONS of info there on the MC and Oregon rivers.

People change, situations change, and we all have to accomodate this in our lives. Same with this board, IMO.

You say you have had some success...where? Ocean, rivers or ?? Did you share the info or pics here recently?

Be a participant, and you will find the board much more helpful. Be a lurker and never post, and you will still get more out than you put in...
