Fishindude, ask a simple freakin' question and you might get a simple freakin' answer. Make generalizations about the board and you're going to get the responses you're getting right now. Some defensive and some that are with you in saying that this board is full of ego's.
I know from past experience where and when I will be fishing certain areas down to the week. And I can guarantee you that I'm not telling. On the other hand I'm not asking either. I've learned more on this BB just by looking at the pictures people have posted as to what they are catching fish on and from the background even where in a run they are hooking up.
I have work and family obligations also. I'm not going to find the answers to my questions sitting at my computer. I get more out of spending time in the outdoors and the answers I find out there are to questions I never knew I had.
This BB is like watching a movie. I just enjoy it for what it is.
Best of luck to you. If you're want a hot tip here it is. Head out to Neah Bay the first week of August and troll a cut plug herring with a couple ounces of lead. I guarantee you'll hook up. \:D
I swung, therefore, I was