Originally posted by goforchrome:
Originally posted by Theking:
It's like any place in life where the same people come day after day. Cliques start to develop. There are several here. People for the most part find comfort in forming groups with like minded individuals. They are afraid to step out of their normal patterns and try something different. It's a very defined social cycle.
I agree with TheKing.
There are cliques and inside jokes and some are 'in' and some desperately wish they were 'in' and some have an all-consuming drive to let everyone know they are 'in'.

It's a standard group dynamic.
I agree with this assessment.

I do need to point out, however, that there are a few of us who are trying desperately NOT to be "in." Please count me as one.

That does not mean I am above passing on some info about fishing etc. Problem is I have not been out in about 2 months. But we are getting closer to salmon season...