Todd got it right; the real issue is travel. The point of a stay at home order is to stay at home, which is pretty difficult to enforce, so to get people to stay at home you have to remove the opportunities or reason for them to travel. Closing fishing sucks, but this whole things sucks, however, it is what it is.

I live in North Idaho. Our conservative Governor just extended our stay at home order for two weeks. He decided to listen to real science and not the make believe, make me feel good science the rest of the conservatives in this state prefer. The republican knuckle heads in Boise want the decisions to made on the regional level and trust that everyone will do the right things. Sure, you bet, I was gainfully employed in public safety for 32 years because not everyone does the right thing. A patch work of closures is useless because those in closed areas will simply travel to open areas. By the way, if you come here from Washington make it a 3 week vacation because effective today you have to quarantine for 14 days first.

You all stay safe and healthy.
"90% of Life is just showing up and doing the work". Tred Barta Sr.